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Forum Posts
Jan 12, 2019
In Open Doors Fast Group
This is actually my first fffirstfffffirstfast I was watching a service on YouTube and felt the need to participate in the Daniel fast. Within the last 30 days: I was fired before Christmas, My car was in an accident and declared a total loss, I even received a citation and now have a court date for paraphernalia. At this point this is all I feel I can do to get the clear answer from God on what it is that keeps causing this cycle of issues year after year. I'm now on day 4 of my Daniel fast and the questions I'm having is how do I know I'm doing it right. My mom always tells me how God speaks to her and I just wonder when he will speak to me and help me know EVERYTHING as far as my life goes. What questions should I be asking in my prayer journal and how can I stay motivated when I literally have nothing going on right now. I almost feel that I should be still right now but I'm just not sure what questions to ask. Sorry for the long drawn out story😭 a sister just needs help
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