I don’t know if this was correct, but I grew up being told if somebody pushed you, you push them back. And honestly, that kept me from getting bullied or taken advantage of. See, in middle school girls would “try me”, meaning they would see if I was scared or not. And growing up as a mixed girl, sometimes I didn’t fit in with anybody. So, I had to learn to push back, to stand up for myself, and over time I got used to standing up for myself and others.
Today, I use those same principles in my faith walk. Honestly, I push back a lot in my life. When fear tells me not to do something, I push back by doing it.
When my life says I’m not ready, I push back by showing up as if I'm already ready.
Pushing back is necessary to walk in faith.
Life struggles will push you in the direction that it desires you to go. So, you push back, based on the route God has told you to go.
For example, did God tell you that you are meant to start your dream business, but now you’re doubting yourself and losing focus? Don’t worry, push back into the Will of God. Were you so sure about a particular relationship, but hardships came up and now you are doubting? Push back with faith and seek God's will for your life.
Every time life pushes you, sis, you push back. If it pushes you down financially, you push back with faith and wiser decisions. If it pushes you down mentally, you push back with praise and worship music and the audio Bible. If it pushes you physically by making you feel inadequate, push back by loving yourself more with your actions.
Life will push you, sis, but you must push back. Don’t stay down, get up and fight for what is yours. Push back with faith. Push back with the Word. If you’ve stopped pushing for a while, that's okay. God will meet you where you are at.
It's Time to Push Back Sis!
Weekly Scripture
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
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