“I’ve put new oil into your members, will you allow that to update you, to change you, to refine you, to give you a RENEWED working condition?”

My brother alarmingly says to me this summer, “Sis, the car needs an oil change again. It’s saying it’s due.” I replied, “ALREADY?? We just got the oil change a month ago, are you sure?” My brother says, “Well yes, just take it to the car place and we will see from there.” I answer, “Yes, I agree with that. We will proceed accordingly.”
It turns out, the car was in great working condition. It was only the fact that when the mechanics did the oil change, the car’s system was not updated to recognize that new and fresh oil had been placed and instead was working from a state of past performance instead of the new oil that was presently and already flowing through it.

On a sunny day in June in the air conditioned filled waiting room of the car space, I realized the truth God was speaking to my heart. “Marlene, what have you done with the oil I’ve already given you in your life?” More so, he was saying, “Have you given me full access to update your systems once that oil is put inside of you?” To me, this oil represents the truth of God, the word of God, and the principles of God. In this situation we are the car (the vehicle, the vessel) and the oil is God’s spirit, favor, anointing, and presence.
Children of God, I felt in this moment, in this season of life, God is saying, “I’ve put new oil into your members, will you allow that to update you, to change you, to refine you, to give you a RENEWED working condition?” You see, a car must get routine updates and maintenance to go the distance. That is likened to our walks with Christ. We must be renewed daily, routinely in our spirits, our minds, and our character to do the good work God has called us each individually to do. To be a FULLY equipped Christ ambassador.
When God places a new oil in us, it is for our betterment. It is for our sanctification. I want when he places the oil of love that I am quicker to forgive (70 times 7). I want when he places the oil of joy I am able to realize the strength he gives even in times of difficulty (His Strength is Perfect in all my weakness). I want to know when he places the oil of grace, that I understand a righteous man falls seven times, yet GETS BACK UP.
Think on, and pray on this question beloveds-How will we choose to allow the oil God has placed in our vessels to be used for his glory, as he continues to write a beautiful story in all our lives?
Weekly Scripture
“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perishes, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”
2 Corinthian 4:16
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