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The Power of Should

Sitting in a half-empty office and finding myself doubting God. Wondering…did You really call me to do this? Did You really call me to speak? I ask this because I mess up a LOT, and oftentimes I feel unqualified and like I'm missing the mark.

I am not the best leader, I don’t have all the answers, nor do I have faith at times. I struggle with my self-image some days and still, I'm a work in progress. However, even in all my human ways, God still guides me.

I wanted to paint the picture of a regular everyday woman with a purpose. The purpose of God lives in us, but even with that purpose we doubt, we hold ourselves back, and we get scared of others' views.

I’ve realized I've struggled the most when I’ve felt that life should be different than it was. Like the half-empty office should be furnished. Or the personal battles I face, I should be past them. Or I should be married with kids by now. When I focus on how things should be I often overlook the beauty that is currently in my life and how my purpose is shining through.

See, the half-empty office requires me to get creative and increase my faith. The personal battles I face keep me running back to the feet of Jesus. The unmarried season has given me the freedom to create and travel when I feel led. I share this with you to remind you to not allow should to steal your joy in this moment. We should be a lot of things, but in this moment, right now, we are His Daughters, and that's just enough.

My hope is that you see an everyday woman who has fears, doubts, and things that hold her back, that a woman of faith may fall several times, but she always gets back up. Daughter, get back up and embrace the life and season God has given you. In this moment you are everything you should be up to this point.


“For a righteous person falls seven times and rises again...”

Proverbs 24:16

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