Sitting on my office floor covered in fears and tears.
It was time to embrace a huge life change and every fear in the book was popping up. "What if I can't do it" "What if I get rejected" "Can I really make it on my own" were just a few, with all that going on inside I knew only one thing could calm the storm within me.
I did the ugly cry to Jesus! I told Him how afraid I was, and how unprepared I felt without any doors opening for me to make the move. As I poured out, God surely began to pour back in.
Immediately, this Word dropped in my heart.
Why would you not take on this Adventure?
Why would you not walk in my Blessings?
Why would you not walk in my Grace?
Why would you not walk in my Power?
Why would you not walk in my Forgiveness?
Why would you not walk in my Calling?
Why would you not walk in my Authority?
Why would you not walk in my Anointing?
Why would you not walk in my Love?

An epiphany happened! I realized I was resisting all that God was desiring to give to me. The very blessing I had been praying for was here, but it was on the other side of my fear. It was on the other side of my comfort zone.
God desired for me to have enough faith to push past my fear and into my destiny.
Fear can be like a raging storm inside of us, telling us the worst outcomes while diminishing our faith. The enemy tries to block our blessing, by camouflaging it with fear. It is up to us to talk to the one that can still the storm. He will give us a word that brings clarity and restores our faith in Him.
The next time fear tries to hold you back, just ask yourself... "Why would I not take on this adventure?" and watch the Storm Be Still.
Mark 4:39
"And HE arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm."
