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Step Into Her Now

Walking to the stage, heart pounding women looking at me and all I can think, is “God am I ready for this?” “I don’t belong here, I am not rich, nor do I wear red bottoms”. My insecurities and fears were on a hundred and the bright lights and people moving things around for the setup just made me realize. This is really it!

The thing I had been waiting for over a year was finally here all I knew was to enjoy every minute. I did a small prayer to the Lord asking the Holy Spirit to use me and I walked to the stage.

It wasn’t time to be afraid, to crawl and hide nor be unsure about life. It was officially time to step into her.

To allow the Woman I really am to shine through. Not the afraid, timid, don’t-want-to-be judged me, but the Powerhouse me! The woman filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to shake things up. The truth is I didn’t feel very powerful, but I knew I was. Regardless of my fears, I knew even if I didn’t belong I was ready for this. God had set me there, not myself and I was ready for it.

I had to step into Her. I had to embrace her on and off the stage. Not hide her.

Many seasons I struggled with embracing all parts of me in my personal life. I was afraid of the judgment of others and jealous women, but I realized the longer I hide who I really am the more I hurt myself. I cap off my potential and limit Gods power to work through me.

This was my moment to see that I had to step into her and no longer hide her! It was time to come in alignment with what God destined. It was officially Time to Step Into the Woman I was being Called to Be!

I believe this same word is for you! To stop hiding who you are and embrace her!

This is Your Season to STEP INTO HER!

Weekly Scripture

"And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

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