He’s ready to pick up where you left off, no matter how far you’ve drifted.

Prayer has always been a big part of my life. Even when I didn’t fully understand what it meant to have a relationship with God, I knew I could pray about my situation.
But as seasons change, so do our lives. Life gets busy—kids come into the picture, promotions demand earlier mornings, and surviving the economy might mean juggling multiple jobs. Or perhaps, shame from your healing journey has created distance between you and God.

The beautiful thing about Christ, though, is that He is always there.
He’s ready to pick up where you left off, no matter how far you’ve drifted. I realized I needed to be intentional about regaining my time with God, even if it looked different in this season. If you know it's time to reconnect and start talking to your Heavenly Father consistently again, here’s what you can do:
Choose a Time: Whether it’s the first 5 minutes of your day, during your lunch break, or right before bed. Remember, it doesn’t matter how long: it’s about quality, not quantity. God cherishes your intentional time with Him.
Choose a Place: Make space, whether it’s a quiet corner in your room, a closet, or your commute to work with the radio off. Having a consistent place where you meet with God creates an environment for a deeper connection.
Be Open to the Moment: Maybe you sing, journal your thoughts, let the tears flow, or simply sit in silence to hear His still small voice. Let go of expectations about what prayer “should” look like. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in what you need during that time.
Prayer is a big part of how we keep our relationship with God alive. It doesn’t have to look the same in every season, but it should be part of every season. Don’t let life overwhelm your time with Him. He always has time for us, and we can make time for Him. Be intentional about restoring your prayer life and taking action to connect with Him, no matter what’s happening around you.
Weekly Scripture
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6
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Felicia, I resonate with having a prayer life even before fully understanding what it was. When I was in sin, I would pray about various things and still hear God answer. Now, in my Christian walk—especially with small kids—the juggling act sometimes looks like 3 a.m. prayers, rocking a baby to sleep while typing away at work, and praying all at once. I’m learning that consistency is better than perfection. Prayer isn’t about the perfect moment or situation; the beauty lies in knowing I can pray throughout my day without judgment from God. As moms, we may not always get to choose a time, place, or create a special moment, but I do know we can always pray in the…