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Pick Your Head Up

Looking out the window wondering how many times I’ve walked around with my head down? How many times had I been hurt, heartbroken, bitter, and broken. All this pain caused me to walk in my own limitations and false beliefs. I’ve been in dire situations where I had nothing to hold on to. I’ve found myself lying on floors drunk, addicted to being held by a man, and much more.

With all this, I've seen myself with my head hanging low. I thought about the Disciples as their leader was being beaten and crucified, how low their heads must have hung, the pain of watching their Messiah with blood dripping from His head, and they couldn’t stop it. I can only imagine how low their heads hung.

In intense moments we forget about the Promises of God, and we forget about all of His goodness. The Disciples at that moment forgot about Jesus telling them He will rise in 3 days.

We forget that this season has to change and that God will rise for us and help us at this time.

God wants to tell you, “Pick Your Head Up, Daughter”. I know you’ve denied me, I know you’ve messed up, I know you ran from me, I know you forgot about my teachings, I know you forgot about my goodness. I know you are hurting, but don’t worry. Pick Your Head Up and see the salvation of the Lord. I will save you and I will rise up on your behalf.”

I want every Woman of God this season to pick their heads up. To remember the word, vision, and hope that He has spoken to you. I want every woman to remember the promise that once resonated so deep within your heart. God wants you to Pick Your Head Up and Remember Whose Daughter You Really Are! A Daughter of the King that rules all the silver and gold,

A Daughter of a King that rules in love and compassion.

A Daughter of the King that will never turn His back.

A Daughter of King with an amazing inheritance.

When you can look up, you can get up!

This is still a season of celebration. Celebrate the Goodness of Jesus Christ.

Pick Your Head Up, Daughter.


"He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying."

Matthew 28:6


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