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How to Get Back Up

"Dear God, it’s me again. I know we had that talk last time, and I know I said I wouldn’t do it again…but….I did. I messed up. Please forgive me. "

How many of you have started your prayers off like that? *raises hand* Yes, me too. I’m sure we all have.

I’ve fallen off my fitness journey year after year after year. And I’ve even had my “uh oh” moments with purity. After the mess up, I felt guilty, ashamed, and undeserving. So ashamed I felt I couldn’t go to God about it.

But, Daughter, I’ve come to tell you, it’s okay! What’s important is that you know you made a mistake. What’s even more important is that you get back up and try again.

Will God be angry? No, Daughter. As a matter of fact, no matter how many times you mess up, God wants you to know that YOU are yet worthy to Him!

Do you hear those negative thoughts playing in your head every time you mess up? Yeah, that’s the enemy. And he is using your guilt and your shame to lie to you! Do not allow those tricks of the enemy to deceive you during this Summer Fearless Szn Youre doing you! And don’t worry, I’ve got four easy tips to help you GLOW.

1.) Acknowledge your mistake to God.

2.) Ask the Lord to guide you during this Glow Up Season.

3.) Pick a scripture that speaks to you during this season, lean on it, and fight any negative thoughts that play in your mind (they are lies).

4.) Get up and try again!

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerorsthrough him who loved us." Romans 8:37

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.” - Jennifer Lim

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This Blog was written by HDC Blog Coordinator Tacaria Bates

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