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How To Be Fearless

In 2015, I realized what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a YouTuber, but not just any YouTuber. I wanted to be someone known for women’s empowerment and speaking. This is all I knew, but all 2015 long, I played scared. I launched the YouTube© channel, but nothing else seemed right. I wouldn’t upload, I wasn’t consistent, and I kept questioning myself.

And then at the end of 2015, a word came to me. I believe you should have one word for every year, and it came at this moment here. In 2015 while on Christmas break, I heard, “To the Year of the Fearless”. This shook me, but I knew 2016 was going to be fearless.

I grabbed a hold of the world, and today I still operate out of the lessons I learned in 2016.

First lesson: “Feel the fear, but do it anyway”

Now, as soon as I began embracing fearlessness, that’s when the fear hit me. I decided to show up more for my dream, and you better believe every insecurity and obstacle stood before me.

I felt the fear of showing up on camera.

I felt the fear of embracing purity at 22 years old.

I felt the fear of leaving a dead-end relationship.

I felt a lot of fear, but I did it anyway.

True fearlessness isn’t the absence of fear, but acknowledging the fear and not allowing it to stop you!

Second lesson: “Fear is camouflaging your blessings”

This was an epiphany moment for me. All my fears were actually standing in the way, hiding my blessings right behind them.

The fear of speaking publicly kept me from ministering for a few years.

The fear of being judged kept me from going hard for God and my purpose.

The fear of going all in stopped me and made me think, “what if I fail?” Let me tell you now, every fear I felt, I embraced it and saw powerful Godly moments.

I pushed past the fear of speaking, and while driving to my first speaking engagements, I had a pit in my stomach. But I stood on that stage and spoke anyway.

I pushed past the fear of being judged, I stopped trying to impress others and fearing what they thought, I denounced my sorority and faced the backlash, but kept pushing forward.

Third lesson: “Take Inventory on Your Fears”

This is easy. All you must do is grab a blank piece of paper and title it, “Everything I am afraid of”. It may be death, losing people, speaking to people, judgment, financial struggles, ect.

The title of your next page is, “Everything that is holding me back”. Make your list and check and see if you have any correlations with your fears list. This is how you take inventory. You decide to attack one fear at a time. If your fear is speaking, challenge yourself to show up one day a week online and speak. If your fear is showcasing your gift, challenge yourself to show up and tell one person about your gift.

Fourth lesson: “Serve Notice on Your Fears”

This means you point out everything that has been holding you back and you serve notice on it. You get firm, you get real, and you get fed up. You tell the insecurity, the mindset, the fears, “No more!” No more can they have your destiny, no more can they have your mind. You begin embracing fearlessness by having fears and not letting them stop you from being all that you know you can be.

Fifth lesson: “Make This Your Last Year of…”

Lastly, you must make this your last year. I remember in 2019…it was the last year I was broke. I knew it, moving forward I would never be broke again. It was a mindshift, and I served notice on the lack in my life.

Make this your last year you are in a toxic relationship.

Make this your last year you are being used and never given anything.

Make this your last year you don’t know your purpose.

Make this your last year you’re unhealthy.

Make this your last year you struggle mentality, physically, or emotionally.

Make this your last year you struggle sis. You can do that when you decide to get fearless.

My hope is that you see from 2016 to now, I've just been living a life of fearlessness.

I’ve challenged myself to face my fears, to cry the tears, to say the prayers, to make the decisions even if it scared me, and step into the woman I know I can be.

2016 I was still just Morgan. No ministry yet, but a vision and fearlessness helped birth it and lead me to where I am today. Over and over we see in scripture Jesus says “Fear not”, “Be Courageous”, “Only Believe”. We are fearless because He first was fearless for us.

You got this, sis! Go into the New Year Fearless!

Weekly Scripture

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33


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