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Gratitude is My Attitude

 Choosing an attitude of gratitude and directing it to God will give you a strong peace that will make even the hardest situations better. 

Choosing to be grateful instead of spiteful can appear as a hard decision when the pressure of life seems too much to bear. I have caught myself choosing to have an attitude rather than choosing gratitude. It’s easy to forget we often have prayed for the things we complain over. As seasons change spiritually and environmentally we are reminded to put life in perspective and lean on family and friends while sharing moments of thankfulness with them all. The stress of partaking in holiday festivities can distract us from what truly matters. The extra responsibilities at work can break even the strongest person. Whatever may be a stressor for you during or after the holiday season always look to God for strength and have Him remind you of how to be grateful in all moments. 

How to Choose Gratitude 

  1. Look At The Bigger Picture 

Have you or someone else prayed for this? It’s a blessing to steward over responsibilities. Change your view and it will change your attitude. 

  1. Watch what you say and pray  

Tame your tongue. Speaking quickly can often mean speaking negatively. There’s power in the tongue so choose to use your power and authority for good. 

  1. Give it to God

Give thanks and give it to God. Making gratitude your attitude and directing it to God will give you a strong peace that will make even the hardest situations better. 

Life is hard at times. We can grow weary in making the best choices. As you go through all situations choose to Give Thanks To God.

  Weekly Scripture

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

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