At the beginning of 2017, I had the idea to donate prom dresses to teens in my community. This was an idea I had talked about for years, but in two weeks of asking around my campus and picking up dresses, we had over 20 of them.
This was the start of His Daughter’s Closet inc. and I didn’t even know it. Expanding on that one idea led me to launching the ministry one month later.
I want to tell you about the God-ideas that show up in our everyday lives that many of us miss out on due to fear. Shoot, I had that idea for the prom dress drive rolling around in my head for years upon years, and finally I just decided to try it.
I want to let you know that God-Ideas are meant to help other people.
See, God will give you an idea that should help other people, and once you do it, in return it blesses you. This is a God-Idea. It’s an idea that will help others, but won’t go away, even years after you have the first thought.
A God-idea is bigger than you and your natural means. It will require you to expand your faith.
A God-idea will bloom into something more defined as you walk in it.
A God-idea always has a deeper meaning for the reason you’re doing it.

When we did the prom dress drive I wanted teens to feel beautiful. The next year I wanted teens to know that people cared about them. This last year I wanted to be the Church, and go out and impact the community for Jesus.
A God-idea will not simply come one time and leave...it will continue to come until you act on it. God-ideas are subtle and not forceful. It can be to call a family member, join a small group, create a new product, or do something kind for someone else. God is wanting to use you to help someone else.
A God-Idea is a way God moves on this earth. Through the Holy Spirit living in us.
Now, it’s time we all stop allowing fear of the wrong idea to keep us from our God-Idea.
May you and embrace your God-given Ideas.
Weekly Scripture
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11

Thank you for defining God-idea the way you did! Ideas are coming back to me right now that I've thought of...I'm seeing these are God's ideas. Wow!
Thanks so much for this post Morgan. You sure know how to feed a woman's faith. Have a great day and may our heavenly Father continue to shower you with his love and strength, to continue his work.
Stay blessed