Yet God heard and He saw.

In 2011 while living in San Lorenzo, California I remember watching a show and being intrigued by a commonality that I had with the actress, let's call her Confirmation. In my head, I said I would like to meet her, as what we had in common needed to be shared. Our commonality was about our parents and the similarities surrounding their lives. I really wasn’t pressed to make this happen because it was just a thought. Yet God heard and He saw.
Five years later in 2016, God commissioned me to move to Los Angeles, California. Now, Los Angeles is 325 miles South of San Lorenzo. God was elevating me by connecting me with the California Worship Center church. What I had desired in 2011 was a distant memory until I saw a flyer on social media with Confirmation. I was reminded that, oh yes, that’s right, she does live in Southern California. She was hosting a women's event and I heavily wanted to attend. But unfortunately, I couldn’t afford it. Yet God heard and He saw.
In 2018 I saw yet another flyer with Confirmation hosting a women's event and this time I was livid. Why, do you ask? I saw the flyer on a Monday and the conference had taken place literally the day before and it was held at a price that I could afford. I was immediately on defense. It didn’t bother me when I couldn’t afford it but it irritated me when I could afford it and still couldn’t attend. Yet God heard and He saw.
In 2020, I signed up to volunteer for a women's conference with limited details. It was brought to

my attention that Confirmation would be there but no one could share why. And I had trouble connecting the dots. When I walked in the room I immediately repented because, guess what…the two events that I had missed for cost and lack of knowledge I could now attend for free. But wait, it gets better. God didn’t just hear and see. He elevated me.
Before I could sit down, a lady approached me and asked if I could assist Confirmation with her session. Literally, ONLY GOD DID THIS. All I wanted was to have a conversation. But God had me wait because He had way more in store. I had the conversation, attended her session, and stepped into a new ministry.
Key Points:
The wait is never against you
The wait develops you
The wait promotes you
Weekly Scripture
“For everything there is season, a time for every activity under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1