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Girl, It's Time to Bloom

Growing but still no fruit yet, you’ve changed but seem to never reap the results.

The sunny days have me spending more time outside, opening up the windows to my home to let in the fresh air. These warmer days have been adding a spark back to life. I am reminded of my days as a biology major. The study of life helped me learn about the many seasons and processes of life, including the process of a seed going through germination. Before a full flower, it first forms into a bud. The bud is the protector state, and it helps protect the inside flower from harmful climates and pollinators before its time. The bud state can take days, weeks, or even months, depending on the type of flower and its conditions.

All this science stuff may be boring to you, but it made me think of how long so many of us have been in our budding state. The state where we are always protecting ourselves so we never fully bloom. For example, protecting ourselves from men so we don’t end up hurt again. We protect ourselves from making the wrong decision, so we instead make no decision at all and are left stuck. Protecting ourselves from friendships so we don’t get wronged again. Or protecting ourselves from any failure so we don’t go through what we’ve been through before.

How long have you been in the bud state? Growing but still no fruit yet, you’ve changed but seem to never reap the results. I believe budding can’t benefit you or anyone else until you bloom. When a flower blooms, it opens for reciprocal pollination, and so do we. 

When we bloom, we are open to opportunities, open doors, new connections, new revelations, and a new way of doing things. Also, we are open to more hurts, but we can handle it because we’ve been through the process. Just like the seed, to the bud, to the flower.

Just know the budding season is necessary for you to bloom! The backlash, financial hardships, friendship loss, and more were all essential for your budding season! But now you’ve budded, you’ve grown, you’ve learned, you’ve cried, you’ve lost, you’ve prayed, you’ve held on, and gotten back up. You’ve budded far enough, now it’s time to bloom!

Bloom into being open, being seen, being appreciated, being recognized, being able, being available, and being powerful. You’ve bloomed! EMBRACE IT!

Weekly Scripture

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2,4


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