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Getting Back to the Basics!

Getting stuck into daily life and watching God become a part time job. However, I was still expecting full time benefits. I love God, but at times I’m not the faithful righteous servant I’ve been called to be. After days and weeks went by I treated God like a distant cousin you only talk to occasionally. I knew my faith had shifted. I was no longer seeking God, but just getting through life. I was no longer asking Him for direction and guidance for my decision making and future endeavors. I was slowly, but surely becoming lukewarm with God. I knew it when prayer was the last thing I wanted to do and reading the bible vaguely crossed my mind.Getting back to the basics is getting back to the time when you were a baby in your faith. The time when you hungered for the word of God and teachings. The time when you wasn't so critical about yourself and others, but you was like a sponge absorbing all the blessing and spiritual wisdom God had to give. Going back to the basics is crucial to being closer to God. Getting back to allowing His light to shine through and no longer denying Him in obedience and in truth.

Prayer : Prayer brings peace- Above everything you must pray! Prayer is essential, but let’s be honest it can get away from us. Days go by without any intimate prayer. So, first set out time to pray and find intimate time with God. Prayer is a conversation between us and God. It says You have not because you ask not. Many go through life without being open and honest with God about fears, doubts, and needs. Prayer is the essential tool needed to getting back to the basics. (James 4:3)

Bible Reading : Bible Reading brings direction -This can be the one that many cringe at, but this to goes with prayer. Many times in my life I've lost the desire to read the Word of God. However, I would quickly pray and ask for the hunger for His word and soon after I would find myself seeking out time to read. Bible reading isn’t rocket science. Pray for the direction, hunger, and a revelation. Find a time in your morning or evening to sit down and study the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)

Worship : Worship delivers and ignites - This is so fun to me! I love all types of Christian music from contemporary christian to gospel. Worship is a time your spirit feels uplifted and send thanks and humbleness to God. Worship is what heals you in a time of hurt. Worship breaks depression. Worship is essential to your walk with God. Gods goodness will bring a gladness in us and worship is a way to reveal it. Even when it hurts worship is still powerful. Tears may flow, but God lets no tear go in vain. (Psalms 104:33)

Meditation : Meditation brings clarity - Meditate on the word day and night . Having my key favorite verses or listening to sermons and reading devotionals throughout my day helps build my faith. Keeping the word of God in your ear will allow it to become written on your heart. Also meditating in quiet area can bring peace and clarity when waiting on the Lord. Prayerfully listening for God's direction is a form of meditation. (Philippians 4:8)

Journaling : Journaling brings out the truth - This is the area that will give you the most revelations. Many of my revelations come from my hearts deepest desires and thoughts while journaling. Journaling allows you to see the goodness of God and recall what God has revealed to you. Seasons will change in your life and the journal will be a great resource to see the lessons you learned and to utilize the knowledge of God and turn it into the Wisdom of God. (Habakkuk 2:2)

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The Awakened Daughter

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