it’s easy to lose sight of the peace we all long for.

‘Life can feel overwhelming’ is an understatement. Between the demands of work, family, personal struggles, drinking enough water, caring for our hair, making sure to have a skincare routine, meal prepping, cleaning the house, and remembering to meditate it’s easy to lose sight of the peace we all long for. We try to hold it all together. Post cute videos of us managing it all on social media. Just to end our day and feel deep down, that we’re exhausted.

I’ve been there. Putting on the mask and pushing my way through how I feel. Convincing myself the stress doesn’t matter. Critically analyzing that if I slow down I’ll be even more behind than I feel now. Somehow the more I attempted to have it all together, the more I knew I did not.
But we have good news. The peace we’ve been striving for was already gifted to us. We don’t have to carry the weight of the world. We can surrender it all. The stress, anxiety, worry, our image, and people’s opinions. In the midst of havoc, we can have peace knowing that God is with us. We were never in control of our lives by acting like we had it all together in the first place. And the One who actually is, is telling you to sit back and relax. He’s got it under control.
Today, let’s choose to release our worries and fears into our Heavenly Father’s hands. Trust that His peace is more powerful than anything we face. Life will always be life, and His peace is an everlasting presence in it.
Weekly Scripture:
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7
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