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Week 2 of the 21 Day Open Doors Fast is almost complete, but I want to encourage you to not grow weary if you haven't seen your desired results. Either Physically or Spiritually, God will always produce good fruit from His Word (Isaiah 55:11).

So, what Word are you standing on? What word is helping you in your time of trouble? When you are hungry and just want to give up, what Word is pulling you back to God and telling you to hold on for your breakthrough?

In Lesson 6 of the Rahab Study (Download Here), we can see that God made provision for her even when she did not know. God had sent protection for her and her family even before she knew she needed it. Rahab could've grown weary in fear or she could've got comfortable with the lifestyle she was living, but God had MORE for her!

God didn't call her to settle or give in, but to, embrace His Call and Be Obedient!

If you are Fasting right now, then you are being obedient to Gods Word! I didn't say if you are fasting perfectly... just fasting, denying your flesh seeking God more than you had been, praying more than you had been and needing God more than you had been.


Your obedience will not go unseen nor void!

I want to encourage all the women still fighting the good fight!

KEEP GOING, DON'T MISS OUT ON THE OPEN DOORS IN WEEK 3 AND ALL YEAR LONG! This is the Catalyst to a Year of Open Doors! Keep Going Ladies, God is Proud of You, even when you thought you failed, He was still with you strengthening you back to health!

Today, Get Your Fight Back!

Scripture Isaiah 55:11

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

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