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Embrace Your Thorn

Many of my single journey had to do with still harboring feelings for an ex. Although, I wanted to let go of the feelings I just couldn't. I spent many nights crying to God about the pain in my heart and even more days feeling unworthy of a good man. I slowly saw that all the pain I felt had a purpose.

The thorn in my heart was actually the Will of God. Although, I wanted to blame the devil I knew this was God.

Yes, our thorns teach us lessons no book can.

Our thorns give us wisdom that no advice can.

Our thorns give us experience that no one can take away.

Over the years the thorn still pricked me from time to time and the tears would flow, but I knew God was using this thorn to make me better. I was becoming the woman God always showed me I could be! The thorn didn't have to go away before I could become that better version, it had to stay to help mold me.

Now, that the Thorn is gone and that pain no longer pricks me, I know that it was all well worth it. I smile now at the thought of that thorn.

If you are in a similar season in your singleness be honest with God about your thorn and trust that there is a purpose in it. Learn the Lesson and Embrace the Journey.

To all the nights I cried, felt lonely, and unworthy it drew me closer and closer to God. Thank You for the Thorn Lord, I found purpose in it!

Your Thorn Has Purpose!



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