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Don't Give Up!

Early Sunday morning sitting at my makeup vanity, adding the finishing touches to my lips, while worship plays in the background. I feel at peace in this moment. I feel secure. I feel sure. But even in this moment of all this stillness, I remember just how many days priors or weeks I had a full break-down. I felt scared, unsure, and overwhelmed and I knew I needed a break. A real break. I thought this breakdown meant I was weak but truly it didn't. It meant I was ready to get built back up. In the eyes of the world, a breakdown looks like weakness, but to God that looks like true strength. When you get to the end of yourself. And you can finally let go and say “Lord I trust you with the outcome”. That's the moment you discover God's true strength living through you.

I share this because I know we see our faults, our failures, and all the areas we continue to fall short, but don’t forget how far God has brought you. Don’t forget about the growth that you’ve encountered. Girl you are further than you think, but remember GOD WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU! Others may give up on you, and even you may give up on yourself at different times, but God will never give up on you. 

You’ve come far, and trust that God will take you further. 

Today, bask in the stillness of God's love that He will never Give Up on You! 

When I was high, God didn’t give up on me.

 When I was drunk on the floor, God didn’t give up on me. 

When I was deeply depressed and broken, God didn’t give up on me. 

When I felt shame for others' wrong-doings towards me, God didn’t give up on me.

When I ran from my purpose, God didn’t give up on me. 

Just know He will never Give Up on You Daughter!

Weekly Scripture

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

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