Maybe you are like me. Looking at your life and actually living out some of the things you prayed for. You see the beauty in your life, but you still see some of the ashes. Like the ashes of the anxiety that grip your heart. The ashes of promiscuity, the ashes of regret in life. The ashes of uncertainty and the ashes of “why me?”
Well, I want to tell you today that God says He will give you beauty for ashes. You may wonder how beauty can come out of all this ruin. Maybe you even feel like the previous you was destroyed and all you have left is ashes. Ashes of hurt, ashes of what-ifs, ashes of “this is hard”.
Truthfully, all God wants is your ashes, not your clean hands or your perfect religion. Not your Sunday best or another generic praise because that’s all you know. God wants your ashes.
You may think your ashes have no value, and truthfully they don’t from mans’ perspective. We can’t do anything with ashes, but God can.
He will use the exact thing that broke you down to build you back up.

Your ashes are valuable to God. He says,
“Give me your dirtiness, that insecurity, that mountain, that struggle, that lukewarmness, that hurt, that unworthiness, and I will give you beauty.”
God says He loves your ashes.
Where you see brokenness, He sees wholeness.
Where you see insecurity, He sees uniqueness!
Where you see weakness, He sees strength!
Where you see an empty plate, He sees a double portion!
Today realize that everything you consider to be ashes in your life is actually the number one ingredient to give you a new birth, a new vision, and a new fire for life.
Don’t walk around with your ashes anymore. Exchange them for Beauty!
"to give them a crown of beauty for ashes,"
Isaiah 61:3
