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7 Days of Self Love Challenge

Fashion is a neat way that reveals our personality and uniqueness. Honestly, on day to day life we wear clothes that appeal to our beliefs, personality, and routines. However, clothes only reflect the surface. Deep down many women battle with body image issues. This is an epidemic thanks to unrealistic expectations and social media we think beauty is only a “certain way”, like stretch marks and extra weight around your midsection is the ugliest thing in the world. When in all honesty majority of women today are not like the models we see on instagram. They are like me and you. We are Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, and Friends. Each has a unique role and an even more unique makeup.

Now, that we know we are preciously unique, let’s talk about the deep depression that can hold us hostage due to these body image issues. When I gained extra weight I remember not wanting to get out of bed or even be seen. I felt as if I was the ugliest woman and that I was no longer worthy because I wasn’t skinny. The enemy is already within and most of the time it is us. We can speak negativity to ourselves daily as we look in the mirror and critique our bodies. I know this personally. I have consumed myself with my beauty that when I was no longer considered “beautiful’ in society's eyes and my own, I began to speak words to myself and over myself that was depleting my spirit. Days would pass were anxiety and fear would crash over me like a wave, and I would quickly end up in a place of unworthiness. I would be so deep in it that only God could pull me out and revive me.

If my story hits home for you then I challenge you to try this pampering challenge with me.

Take the 7 Day challenge of Self Love

Loving yourself is crucial to love others. The word tells us to “Love others as you love thyself” (Matt 22:39).However, most of us don't love ourselves first. Showing the true agape love to others first starts by showing it to yourself.

In this challenge we will take 7 days away from full body mirrors and only looking in the mirror for necessities. This challenge is to help you get healing and also new eyes for yourself. To get away from the critical words and shower yourself with the love of God.

The goal is on the 7th day when you look into the mirror you will have new eyes to see what God sees. You will have a heart of love that now your eyes reflect.

Are You Up for the Challenge?

Rules: Stop Negative Talk in it’s tracks also Remove or cover up full body mirrors in your bedroom. No staring at yourself in the mirror and if that means 7 days of no makeup.. Well hunny then just do it! Start each day by day. This can be a rejuvenating experience. Fasting from mirrors and makeup is a sacrifice

Each day consist of a Prayer, Scripture, and Activity

The 7 Day challenge starts July 24-31. Click Image to Download the 7 Day Self Love Challenge



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